Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Conservation / Preservation

We assist you in the design and implementation of programs to help ensure that your wealth is passed along to family or others, without being negatively impacted by estate or inheritance taxes.

This service enables you to plan your personal estate to help ensure maximum distribution and conservation to future generations.

  • Eliminating or reducing the government’s “inheritance” from your estate

  • Helping protect assets and income from a nursing home stay

  • Helping protect against a forced liquidation of investments and personal property
A Happy Family In Living Room — Pittsburgh, PA — Vigilant Wealth Partners

Will / Trust Analysis

Wills and Trusts are just tools in the larger process of “conservation/preservation.” There is an unfortunate, widespread misconception that this topic is a subject of interest only to the wealthy.

In fact, an estate plan provides the legal mechanism for disposing of property upon death in a way that recognizes your wishes and the needs of your survivors while minimizing taxes.

For many it involves, even more importantly, planning for the handling of affairs in case of disability, and the deeply personal medical choices to be made as life nears its end. Conservation/preservation is not just for rich people. 

Trusts can play an important role in providing order to your financial affairs, assisting with your tax planning, simplifying your estate settlement and providing guidance for your family and other heirs.

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